Windows User Accounts Management Quick Access

On Windows 10 computers that you try accessing the User Account, I.T. Supports will feel bad about how access to User Account has been designed. Compared to Windows 7 where you just go to control panel and try finding the User Account setting, Win 10 made it difficult to find.

Good thing that there is a shortcut to show the User Accounts window without breaking a sweat. You will need to access the User Account window if you like to reset the local user password or even set a local administrator. You can also change user to local admin. Deleting local user account is also provided in this window.

To access the User Account window easily on Windows 10 (also applies to Windows 7 and other windows version we normally use), do:

1. Hold windows button + R, on your keyboard.
2. Enter "NETPLWIZ" on the Run Prompt.
3. Hit enter

The user account windows will pop-up and you can now modify or add a user account.


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