Sigarilyas Benefits and Recipe

Sigarilyas Benefits

Sigarilyas is a vegetable grown for its fruits in the Philippines. Sigarilyas has green colored fruit that resembles a pod that has protruding edges. Sigarilyas has the English name winged-bean. It gets the name from the projected 4 edges of its fruits. It bears 4 to 5 spherical beans that are size of green peas. The immature fruit is eaten while the mature fruit turns black or brown which is used to propagate the plant using the seeds within the fruit. Farming sigarilyas is easy and is widely practiced by farmers as backyard crop. The plant is a vine, and climbs to any available trellis. Sigarilyas supply is local and grown by farmers who have available land to plant the vegetable. The plant need very little maintenance, as the plant can climb to anything like small trees, fences, walls, and posts. The plant produces many fruits which become noticeable during summer and November and December months. There are numerous recipe available for sigarilyas. This includes many Filipino vegetable dishes that are basically mixed vegetables with varying cooking methods and recipe. Benefits of sigarilyas include Vitamin A, Ascorbic acid, calcium, and iron. Sigarilyas nutritional value per 100 grams of Sigarilyas edible parts are as follows:

Energy 409 kcal
Carbohydrates 41.7 g
Fiber (Dietary) 25.9 g
Fat 16.3 g
Protein 29.65 g
Vitamin B1 (90%) 1.03 mg
Vitamin B2 (38%) 0.45 mg
Vitamin B3 (21%) 3.09 mg
Vitamin B5 (16%) 0.795 mg
Vitamin B6 (13%) 0.175 mg
Vitamin B9 (11%) 45 μg
Zinc (47%) 4.48 mg
Iron (103%) 13.44 mg
Potassium (21%) 977 mg
Magnesium (50%) 179 mg
Manganese (177%) 3.721 mg
Calcium (44%) 440 mg
Sodium (3%) 38 mgPhosphorus (64%) 451 mg

Sigarilyas Recipe

1. Tamarind Pork Stew with Sigarilyas - Sinigang na Baboy with Sigarilyas
2. Mixed Stir Fry Vegetables - ginisang gulay with Sigarilyas
3. Vegetable Stew with Fish Sauce - bag-goongang gulay with Sigarilyas
4. Blanched Sigarilyas - served with Fish sauce
5. Pickled Sigarilyas - acharang sigarilyas
6. Soy sauce in sigarilyas - adobong sigarilyas

Sigarilyas is not only found in the Philippines. It is native to New Guinea which is close to South East Asia. Sigarilyas or Winged bean has many names. It is called four-cornered bean, four-angled bean, Goa bean,  Manila bean, and Dragon bean. Sigarilyas is a Filipino word and the scientific name is Psophocarpus tetragonolobus.


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